ESAAM aspires to be the leading European Society in anti-aging medicine and the prevention of age-related diseases.
ESAAM’s mission is to create a bridge between Scientific Aging (gerontology, genetics, physiology, microbiology) and Biological Aging for healthy people who are willing to prolong their active professional and social longevity through implementing the principles of 4P medicine: personalized, predictive and participatory preventive medicine.
ESAAM aspires to be the leading European Society in anti-aging medicine and the prevention of age-related diseases.
Guidelines/processes for innovative diagnostics, personalized medicine, methods of prevention for age-related disease
Article 1: Name, Seat and Scope of Activities
(1) The name of the Society shall be “ESAAM – European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine”.
(2) The Society shall have its seat in Athens, Greece, and its activities shall extend to the whole world.
(3) The formation of branches is intended.
Article 2: Purpose
(1) The Society, which is a non-profit organization, shall act as an umbrella organization of all national European clinical and research associations for preventive, regenerative and anti-aging medicine. Within the meaning of these Rules, the term “Europe” is used geographically and shall also include the successor states of the former USSR.
(2) The aims to be promoted by the activities of the Society shall in particular be:
Article 3: Titles
(1) Titles may be used in the appropriate gender-specific form.
(2) In international communications, the titles honorary president, president, vice president, treasurer, secretary general and member of the Board shall be used by the persons holding the respective positions.
Article 4: Means for Achieving the Purpose of the Society
(1) The purpose of the Society shall be achieved through the activities and funds specified in Art. 3 paragraphs 2 and 3 of these Rules.
(2) Such activities shall include seminars, educational events and conferences as well as the ESAAM examination and, consequently, the award of the ESAAM diploma as well as the exchange of data among the member associations of ESAAM and between the member states of ESAAM.
(3) The required funds shall be raised by organizing national and international conferences as well as by financial contributions from members, and through donations.
Article 5: Types of Membership
(1) Membership in the Society may take the form of Society members, Individual Members, International Distinguished Members and Supporting Members.
Article 6: Termination of Membership
(1) Membership ends upon death, loss of legal personality, by voluntary resignation or by expulsion.
(2) Members may resign only as of December 31 of each year. The member wishing to resign shall notify the Board of its intention in writing at least 6 months in advance. If the notification is not made within due time, it shall only become effective on the next date of resignation. The mailing date of the notice shall be decisive for determining whether such notification was timely made.
(3) The expulsion of a member from the Society may be ordered by the Board because of a member’s gross violation of its duties and because of dishonorable conduct.
(4) Upon application of the Board, the General Assembly may deprive a member of its honorary presidency for the reasons specified in Art. 6 para. 3 of these Rules.
Article 7: Rights and Duties of the Members
(1) The members are entitled to take part in all the events organized by the Society. Only Society members, Individual Members and International Distinguished Members shall have the voting right in the General Assembly and the right to vote in elections and stand for election. Society members shall exercise their rights through the delegates sent by them to the General Assembly (see Art. 9 para. 4 of these Rules).
(2) Each member is entitled to request from the Board a copy of these Rules.
(3) At the request of at least one tenth of the members, a General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee.
(4) In each General Assembly, the Executive Committee shall inform the members about the activities and the financial position of the Society. If so requested by least one tenth of the members by stating reasons therefore, the Executive Committee shall also furnish such information to the respective members within four weeks.
(5) The Board shall inform the members of the audited annual financial statements (accounting). If such information is provided at the General Assembly, the auditors shall attend such meeting.
(6) The members shall take efforts to promote the interests of the Society and shall refrain from any behavior that may be detrimental to the reputation and purpose of the Society. They shall observe the Rules of the Society and the resolutions adopted by its bodies.
Article 8: The Bodies of the Society
The bodies of the Society shall be:
(1) the General Assembly (Articles 9 and 10 of these Rules)
(2) the Board (Articles 11 and 12 of these Rules)
(3) the Executive Committee (Articles 13 through 15 of these Rules)
Article 9: The General Assembly
(1) The General Assembly is the “meeting of members” Ordinary meetings of the General Assembly shall be convened every two years and shall take the form of a meeting of delegates.
(2) Extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly shall be held within eight weeks
(3) All members shall be invited to the ordinary as well as to the extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly at least four weeks in advance in writing, by fax or e-mail (sent to the fax number or e-mail address notified to the Society by the member). The agenda must be specified in the invitation to the meeting.
(4) The delegates to the General Assembly shall be elected within the scope of each society with one delegate being elected for 100 ESAAM members.
(5) Any motions to be dealt with in a meeting of the General Assembly shall be submitted to the Board in writing, by fax or e-mail at least one week before the date of the General Assembly.
(6) Valid resolutions – with the exception of resolutions on motions to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly – may only be passed within the framework of the agenda.
(7) All members – in the case of Society members their delegates – are entitled to attend the General Assembly and to vote.
(8) Society members shall exercise their voting right through their delegates. Each delegate shall have one vote. The voting right may be assigned to another delegate of the same society member by means of a written proxy. The voting right may, however, not be assigned to a delegate of another society member.
(9) The General Assembly shall have a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
(10) Elections and resolutions by the General Assembly shall, as a rule, take place and be adopted by a simply majority of the valid votes cast. However, resolutions amending the Rules of the Society, dissolving the Society or dismissing the entire Board or the entire Executive Committee have to be adopted by a qualified majority of two thirds of the valid votes cast.
(11) The meetings of the General Assembly shall be chaired by the president, and in case of his/her being prevented, by the vice president. If he/she be prevented too, the oldest in age among all Board members present shall preside over the General Assembly.
Article 10: Tasks of the General Assembly
The following tasks are reserved to the General Assembly:
Article 11: The Board
(1) The Board shall consist of the following members:
(2) The Board shall be elected by the General Assembly. Upon the death, resignation or expulsion of an elected member, the Board is entitled to coopt another eligible member, the approval for which action shall be obtained in the next meeting of the General Assembly. Should, without completion by cooptation, the Society have no Board for an unforeseeably long time or none at all, the Executive Committee is obligated promptly to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly to reelect a Board. In case the Executive Committee is unable to act as well, each auditor is obligated promptly to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly to reelect a Board. In case the auditors are unable to act as well, any member that realizes the emergency is obligated promptly to apply to the competent court for the appointment of a curator, which curator shall immediately have to convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
(3) The Board shall hold office for four years. Each position on the Board shall be exercised personally.
(4) The meetings of the Board shall be called in writing by the president, or in case of his/her being prevented, by the vice president. Should the vice president also be prevented for an unforeseeably long time, any other member of the Board has the right to call a meeting of the Board.
(5) Board meetings shall be called at least once a year.
(6) The Board shall have a quorum if all of its members have been invited and at least half of them are present.
(7) The Board shall adopt its resolutions by a simple majority of the valid votes cast; in case of a tie, the chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(8) Resolutions on the admission of new members to the Society shall be taken by the Board by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.
(9) Meetings shall be chaired by the president or, in case of his/her being prevented, the vice president. Should he/she, too, be prevented, the chairpersonship shall be conferred to the oldest in age among all Board members present or to such Board member that is elected by the other members of the Board by a majority of the votes. If no majority is reached, the Board shall be convened again within four weeks with the same agenda.
(10) Apart from his/her death and the expiration of his/her term of office (Art. 11 para. 3 of these Rules), the period of office of a member of the Board shall end by dismissal (Art. 11 para. 11 of these Rules) or by resignation (Art. 11 para. 12 of these Rules).
(11) The General Assembly may at any time dismiss the whole Board or individual members of the Board. The dismissal shall enter into force with the appointment of a new Board or a new member of the Board.
(12) The members of the Board may at any time resign in writing, addressing the notification of their resignation to the Board, and in case the whole Board resigns, to the General Assembly. The resignation shall become effective only after election or cooptation (Art. 11 para. 2 of these Rules) of a successor.
Article 12: The Tasks of the Board
The Board shall have the following tasks:
Article 13: The Executive Committee
(1) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:
(2) The Executive Committee shall be elected by the General Assembly. Upon the death, resignation or expulsion of an elected member, the Executive Committee is entitled to coopt another eligible member, the approval for which action shall be obtained in the next meeting of the General Assembly.
(3) The Executive Committee shall hold office for four years. Each position on the Executive Committee shall be exercised personally.
(4) The Executive Committee shall have a quorum if all of its members have been invited and at least half of them are present.
(5) The Executive Committee shall adopt its resolutions by a simple majority of the votes; in case of a tie, the chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(6) Meetings shall be chaired by the president or, in case of his/her being prevented, the Secr. general. Should he/she, too, be prevented, the chairpersonship shall be conferred to the oldest in age among all members of the Executive Committee present or to such member of the Executive Committee that is elected by the other members of the Executive Committee by a majority of the votes. If no agreement is reached, the Executive Committee shall be convened again within two weeks with the same agenda.
(7) The General Assembly may at any time dismiss the whole Executive Committee or individual members of the Executive Committee. The dismissal shall enter into force with the appointment of a new Executive Committee or a new member of the Executive Committee.
(8) The members of the Executive Committee may at any time resign in writing, addressing the notification of their resignation to the Executive Committee, and in case the whole Executive Committee resigns, to the General Assembly. The resignation shall become effective only after election or cooptation.
(9) The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the president, with the notice of meeting being given three weeks in advance.
(10) The Executive Committee may also adopt its resolutions by circular letter, in which case the secretary general shall send the text to the members of the Executive Committee by fax of e-mail by granting an appropriate period for voting. After receipt of all the votes, the president shall determine the result and communicate it to all the members of the Executive Committee by fax or e-mail.
Article 14: The Tasks of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the following tasks:
Article 15: Special Duties of Individual Members of the Executive Committee
(1) The secretary general shall manage the day-to-day business of the Society. The president shall assist the secr. general in the management of the Society’s affairs.
(2) The president shall represent the Society vis-à-vis third parties. Written documents of the Society shall only be valid if signed by the president and the secretary general, in monetary matters (disposition of assets) the signatures of the president and the treasurer shall be required. Legal transactions between members of the Executive Committee and the Society are subject to the approval of another member of the Executive Committee.
(3) The president shall chair the meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee.
(4) The secretary general shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the General Assembly, of the Board and of the Executive Committee.
(5) The treasurer shall be responsible for the proper handling of the financial matters of the Society.
(6) In case of their prevention, the secretary general and the treasurer shall be represented by their deputies. Such deputies shall be elected by the General Assembly for the same term of office and shall have the right to attend the meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee and shall be invited to such meetings. They shall only be entitled to vote if they act as representatives.
(7) In case of his/her prevention, the president shall be represented by the vice president.
(8) The president may authorize the vice president to manage individual, or groups of, affairs independently. Such authorization may be revoked at any time.
Article 16: The Auditors
(1) The auditor shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of 2 years. They may be reelected. The auditors may not be members of any body – with the exception of the General Assembly – whose activities are the object of the audit. Legal entities may also be appointed auditors. Auditors need not be members of the Society.
(2 The auditor shall be responsible for the current supervision of the business transactions and the audit of the financial position of the Society with regard to the propriety of accounting and the use of funds in accordance with the Rules. The Board and the Executive Committee shall be responsible for providing the auditors with the necessary documents and information. The auditors shall report to the General Assembly on the results of the audit.
Article 17: Committees
The Board can establish the following committees:
(1) Advisory Committee. Members can be or not members of the Board. It will take in charge the ethical problems, will control the rules of ESAAM, and will advice the Executive Committee on any question. Members will be elected for 4 years.
(2) Membership Committee. It will control Societies’ and individual’s candidatures and propose their acceptance or rejection to the Board. Members of this committee have to be members of the national society or any other society of the relevant nation already approved by ESAAM.
(3) Scientific Committee. Members can be European or not. It will organize the European Educational Program and the ESAAM diploma.
(4) Congresses and Publications Committee. It will designate and control the National Society in charge of an ECOPRAM and other conferences and symposiums initiated by ESAAM. Also it will arrange necessary resources for publications of advance researchers of ESAAM members.
(5) Certification Committee. It will organize the rules for certification of Clinics, Products and Methods which can be approved by the ESAAM Board with presenting the ESAAM Diploma.
(6) Industrial Committee. It will coordinate and organize companies and individual members who are ready to support the activity of ESAAM by donations and commercialization of new methods and technologies approved by ESAAM.
Article 18: Voluntary Dissolution of the Society
(1) The voluntary dissolution of the Society may solely be decided in a meeting of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.
(2) In such meeting of the General Assembly the liquidation of the Society shall also be decided on provided that the Society has any assets. In particular, a liquidator shall be appointed and it must be decided to whom the liquidator shall assign the remaining assets of the Society after discharging its liabilities. To the extent possible and permitted, such remaining assets shall be given to an organization having the same or similar purposes as this Society, otherwise to a charity. To the extent that the members have made any contributions, the assets may also be distributed to individual members, but only to the extent of the amount of their contribution made.
Article 19: References
Any reference made herein to any federal law shall, if such law is amended, refer to its version as amended from time to time, and if such law is repealed, reference shall be deemed made to the federal law that has replaced the repealed law in observance of the subject-matter regulated therein.